Middle Market E&S Casualty Products

By Ariana Ramos | SVP Business Development


Middle Market E&S Casualty Products


Middle Market Excess and Surplus (E&S) Casualty insurance products cater to medium-sized businesses with unique or high-risk exposures. These policies cover liabilities not typically addressed by standard carriers, providing customized solutions for complex risks. They are essential for businesses needing tailored protection beyond conventional insurance offerings.
Independent insurance agents can significantly benefit from partnering with an insurance wholesaler, especially when seeking access to Middle Market Excess and Surplus (E&S) Casualty products. The E&S market specializes in covering unique and high-risk scenarios that standard carriers often decline. Here are several reasons why leveraging a wholesaler can be advantageous.

Firstly, wholesalers have established relationships with multiple carriers that offer specialized E&S products. This network provides agents with a broader array of options, ensuring they can find the most suitable coverage for their clients’ unique risks.

Secondly, wholesalers bring expertise to the table. Navigating the E&S market requires a deep understanding of its nuances, regulatory requirements, and product intricacies. Wholesalers possess the knowledge and experience to guide agents through this process, helping them to place difficult or unconventional risks more effectively.

Furthermore, working with a wholesaler can save time and resources. Instead of individually reaching out to multiple carriers, agents can streamline their efforts through a single wholesaler. This efficiency allows agents to focus more on client relationships and business growth. Are you ready to write more lines of business?


For more information contact: Ariana Ramos, SVP Business Development: aramos@telamonins.com